Two colleagues discussing and smiling.

Supporting our colleagues to create a better everyday for all

Sodexo is a big employer and some of our biggest clients are government agencies. Whether we’re serving meals for TfL workers, keeping fire stations spotless or helping the Scottish Parliament get closer to net zero, our colleagues do it all with a genuine commitment to great service. We offer them the same commitment too, with a big focus on their health and wellbeing, because we all work at our best when we know someone cares. 

  • Published on Jul. 10, 2024

Focusing on our customers

Many Sodexo Government customers work in high-stress environments. Their roles can be mentally and sometimes physically demanding, which means the small things are even more important. At Avon and Somerset Police, for example, their new and improved cafe provides a welcome respite from the challenges officers face on the beat. The quality-of-life services we provide, from cooking to cleaning and more, can make all the difference to someone's day. But it’s not just what we deliver that matters - it’s how.  

A man and a woman smiling, holding a bouquet of flowers.

Right from the start, we encourage our colleagues to get involved with their clients' business so that they're ready to respond in the right way. Like at the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, where we complete a one-day basic fire skills training course. Our colleagues also volunteer to help out, come up with new ideas, make people feel at home and always serve with a smile. Nana Owusu, one of our site leads at Transport for London, recently got a 'Big Thank You' from the TfL team for going above and beyond. As well as introducing new dishes that have gone down a storm, like Jerk Chicken and Jollof Rice, she brings her caring attitude into the depot every day. 

Helping colleagues to work at their best

It’s our people that drive our success, and their health and wellbeing is at the forefront of our minds. Their careers begin with a warm welcome, but our work starts even earlier. The stories we tell about our organisation and the communities we reach out to are designed to recruit diverse and committed teams. 

We celebrate diversity and we strive for equity too. We want every employee to feel they belong and to access career opportunities from a level playing field. It’s why we were one of the first employers to publish our Ethnicity Pay Gap; being transparent is an essential part of progress. 

Support might come in the form of a lunchtime tutor to help with English and Maths so that a colleague can step up into a management role. Or in mentoring and shadowing schemes that expose people to the different careers we offer, giving them confidence before they make the leap. That's backed up by our 'Professional Family' networks which bring subject matter experts together to share best practice and explore the latest innovations. We also encourage and support inclusive networks, for example for women and LGBTQ+ communities, so that everyone knows they can be themselves at work. 

Keeping everyone safe and active

When it comes to the working day, we always start with safety. Good training is a must, whether that’s for equipment, chemicals or slips, trips, and falls. We also use ‘safety moments’ at the start of our meetings to talk about any risks on site and on their way home too. Our YuLife scheme encourages colleagues to stay active by earning ‘YuCoin’ they can exchange for shopping vouchers. But whether they’re walking or cycling to get them, we’ll still encourage them to stay seen when it’s dark! 

This safety culture came into its own during the Covid-19 pandemic. As schools, offices and venues were forced to adapt - and in some areas close completely - many colleagues moved to new testing sites, bringing their understanding of food safety to the new world of infection control. For customers whose buildings stayed open where we were classified as 'key workers', we tried something different to keep spirits up, creating fun newsletters with a foodie theme, like tips on pumpkin carving. Wherever they worked, our colleagues helped our customers feel safe and supported at a difficult time in their own lives. 

Taking time for self-care

Working at home was normalised in lockdown and now hybrid working is here to stay. People value flexibility in their work more than ever before, and those joining the workforce for the first time – whether as graduates or apprentices – have known nothing else. Creating time for self-care is more vital than ever, and many of our teams take part in 'wellbeing moments' to remind everyone what help is available. Through our partnership with, we provide free counselling sessions and we’ve introduced ‘wellness boxes’ to reward people who’ve gone the extra mile, full of little things like tea, healthy snacks, a sleep mask, and some flower seeds. 

The importance of good mental health is a core part of our induction training, and we have colleagues acting as Mental Health First Responders at many of our sites. This includes at the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, whose teams often work in highly stressful environments or in remote areas. Our First Responders are trained to spot the early signs of mental ill health and to support those in distress until professional help can be arranged. 

With the cost-of-living crisis causing added strain, we provide all colleagues with free access to personal finance resources and advice sessions too. That's in addition to a range of benefits that make it easier to manage money day to day.

A brown gift box tied up with a ribbon.

Serving nourishing food

Good food is key to health and wellbeing. Not just as fuel for a busy day but also as a pressure release and a way to connect. When we designed a new mess hall concept for a Ministry of Defence training barracks, we did it with wellbeing in mind. Everything from the layout to the seating to the tech to the menu was shaped to create a sense of teamwork and belonging. It's a concept that's been adopted by the Ministry of Justice for their residential training centre too. 

A hub with games, seating areas and televisions.

Creating tasty, balanced dishes is in our DNA and our colleagues always bring that little extra flair. During Black History Month, teams at different TfL sites celebrated with their customers, cooking some well-loved specials like Smoked Fish Curry and Grilled Red Mullet. On hearing that one regular canteen visitor without any close family was going into hospital, one of our site managers called the ward every day just to say ‘Hi’ until they were back on their feet. 

That’s just one small example of how much our colleagues care about the essential work of their Government clients. Our teams are focused on creating a better everyday for everyone, and we're committed to doing everything we can to support them.