Social Impact Pledge 2030
Our 2030 Social Impact Pledge launched in 2025, marking an incredible ten years since our first set of ethical and sustainability commitments was published – an industry leading approach, then known as the Public Service Pledge.
Download our Social Impact Pledge 2030Each of the four commitments –
for our People, Planet, Places and Partners – represents an ambitious target that will only be achieved if:
EVERY ONE of our 30,000 plus colleagues in the
UK and Ireland embraces them.
If action is taken EVERY DAY.
And if the positive social impact can be felt EVERYWHERE across the communities in which we operate.
Our four commitments
"I would like to congratulate Sodexo on the impact it has had since the launch of its first pledge 10 years ago, and on these ambitious new commitments. It is so important for businesses such as Sodexo – as a major UK employer – to take the lead on issues such as social mobility and sustainability. This is what makes them such valued members of the National Social Value Taskforce. I have long been impressed by the company’s purpose-driven ethos, and how this manifests throughout their business practices – from their supply chain, through to their client sites. I look forward to seeing Sodexo deliver on this pledge."

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