Creating a Better Tomorrow 2025


Since the creation of Sodexo, our mission has been to improve the quality of life of our employees and those we serve and to contribute to the economic, social and environmental development of the communities, regions and countries in which we operate. We make sure that our approach to enhancing people’s quality of life embodies principles of diversity, sustainability, environmental awareness, local prosperity and respect for every kind of resource we work with.

As a company that promises to improve the quality of life of people, corporate responsibility lies at the core of everything we do. Better Tomorrow 2025 is designed to keep us on track in relation to our aspirations as a responsible business. It aligns with our corporate strategy and supports our business development, increases our influence and helps us retain and grow services with existing clients.

As an employer

As the world’s 19th largest employer, employing over 480,000 people that come from diverse backgrounds, we are responsible for our people’s personal well-being and development, as well as contributing to the development of the communities where they work and live.

At Sodexo, we consider quality of life to be a key factor in individual and collective performance. We are convinced that an organisation performs better when it operates in a more human way, promoting both the professional and personal fulfilment of its employees. We think people, given the right environment and tools, are a powerful driving force capable of transforming today’s challenges into a multitude of opportunities.

As a service provider

As a service provider to clients in three business activities and multiple global market segments, with over 100 million consumers served each day, we have a duty to understand and provide for their unique needs, as well as their long-term aspirations.

Each of the Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments is owned by a global team responsible for that area of work, whether that is procurement, HR or Health, Safety and the Environment. To manage and drive progress for the UK & Ireland we have set up a Better Tomorrow 2025 Steering Group to help create coherence and ownership drawing together subject matter experts from across the business.

As a corporate citizen

As a corporate citizen, operating in over 80 countries, and with a history of over 50 years, we have responsibility for conducting a business that brings positive impact to the world, drives progress and respects the resources on which our future depends.

Better Tomorrow 2025 provides us with goals and ambitious commitments intrinsically linked to our corporate strategy. It will help us to fulfil client expectations as well as engage our employees, consumers and other stakeholders. Achieving these commitments will also allow us to meet increasing regulatory and legislative requirements that continue to be implemented around the world.

Find out more about our global commitments 

"With the help and dedication of our employees, customers and clients, our corporate responsibility achievements support our mission to enhance the quality of life of everyone we serve continuing our efforts on sourcing in a responsible way, tackling hunger and malnutrition, promoting gender equality and avoiding food waste."

Sean Haley, Chairman, Sodexo UK & Ireland