Sodexo UK & Ireland is proud to announce it has signed the Social Recruitment Covenant confirming its commitment to inclusive recruitment, training, and employment practices that contribute to greater social mobility and economic prosperity in society.

Social Recruitment Covenant RED Logo_for web.pngDriven by People Plus’ Social Recruitment Advocacy Group (SRAG), the Covenant encourages employers to:

  • actively pursue and implement recruitment strategies that are inclusive, aiming to recruit from disadvantaged groups. This includes, but is not limited to, NEET youth, unpaid carers, ex-offenders, and people with disabilities
  • support, retain, and develop individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds
  • collaborate with community partners for fair education and employment opportunities
  • promote inclusive social recruitment practices within supply chains.

Through Sodexo’s Social Impact Pledge it is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce. As a signatory to the Covenant Sodexo will continue to address the critical need for accessible and inclusive employment practices and will continue to look to engage with the untapped potential of those residing within communities deemed as disadvantaged. 

Angela Halliday, Director Social Impact, Sodexo UK & Ireland said:

Sodexo's commitment to the Social Recruitment Covenant is more than a pledge; it's an actionable strategy integrated into the fabric of our business operations.

We are very much looking forward to collaborating with everyone involved and in sharing our best practice, as well as learn from collective experiences whilst contributing to ensuring a diverse, equitable and inclusive approach to a fairer job market.

The Rt Hon Anne Milton, Chair of the SRAG commented:

We want the covenant to drive action that will break down barriers to employment.

By signing the Covenant, employers are showing their commitment to supporting people who are most at risk of long-term unemployment, back into work.

This not only benefits the individuals, but also drives greater levels of social mobility and captures the talents of many people currently facing barriers.

Sodexo’s commitment to social impact spans several years, with the 2021 launch of its Social Impact Pledge marking its fourth iteration. First published in 2015, the business has faithfully reported on its progress against the pledges each year, demonstrating with evidence and examples the positive impact it is creating. 

Sodexo's Social Impact Pledge serves as an ethical manifesto, encompassing carefully selected commitments that aim to foster a healthier, greener, safer, and more prosperous society. These commitments are strategically mapped across four impact pathways crucial to Sodexo's business: our People, Planet, Places, and Partners. By focusing on these areas, Sodexo strives to create significant social value and make a positive difference in the communities where it operates.


Find out more about Sodexo’s social impact pledge.


More information on the Social Recruitment Covenant can be found here.




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