Building construction skills provide prospects on release

Eighteen HMP Addiewell residents enhanced their employment chances upon release by earning a construction skills certificate as the result of a partnership with the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB).

They sat the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) test in a mobile unit - a bus regulated by the CITB - which normally travels to remote areas and construction sites. Residents were taken through mandatory health and safety training by HMP Addiewell’s Trades team before sitting the CSCS test. Then, using touch screen computers, they took the multiple-choice test - aimed at bricklayers, labourers and carpenters - which assesses individuals on health, safety and construction site hazards.

The CSCS card awarded is valid for five years. Prison director Ian Whitehead said: “The morning of the test created a real buzz of excitement among the 18 delegates who had studied hard and were all determined to make the most of this unique opportunity."

"We are pleased to report an impressive result of a 100 per cent pass rate; one which equally impressed the exam invigilator who said that they had never encountered this before at any prison or construction site. This speaks volumes for the effort and hard work of the residents and staff involved in the course."

Ian added, “Certification schemes like this not only offer an additional way to engage residents in vocational education, but ensure that this activity serves a very practical purpose upon release, opening up opportunities for employment.”

We offer a range of exciting and rewarding jobs. Please see for our current vacancies in Sodexo Justice.

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