We are committed to sourcing Red Tractor assured products. Sodexo was the first catering company to ensure that its fresh poultry, sourced from British farms, is Red Tractor accredited.
We incorporate sustainable procurement into our sourcing strategies for every product category we purchase. Our balanced approach assesses environmental, social and economic impacts as we set our goals, select products and services, and engage with suppliers.
We are a significant purchaser spending £800m annually with more than 4,000 suppliers, so it is essential to develop trusting, mutually beneficial, long-term relationships to guarantee the quality and safety of products across our supply chain.
Our approach to sustainable supplies includes sourcing products that meet industry marques and partnering with suppliers from the regions where we operate.
We believe that, wherever possible, we should purchase fairly traded and ethically sourced products. As such, we expect them to comply with our supply chain code of conduct, which covers human rights, business ethics and environmental management practices. This ensures better trading conditions for producers and helps us build lasting relationships with global suppliers that have sustainable business.
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