
Leading Our Industry On Social Mobility

Download our Social Impact Pledge 2030

Our commitment: We will nurture inclusive and equitable workplaces, measuring our progress through our position on the Social Mobility Employer Index.

It is incumbent on businesses such as our own to play an active role every day in breaking down the barriers to opportunity that exist in our country. As an employer of more than 30,000 people in the region, we have the power to be a driver of social mobility everywhere that we operate – a force for good.

Learn more about our work to deliver on this commitment:

“Congratulations to Sodexo for placing in the Top 75 in the 2024 Social Mobility Employer Index for the first time. This is a fantastic achievement, demonstrating real commitment to creating a workplace that is open to all.

Employers that join the Index recognise that the workplace is as important as the classroom for improving social mobility. They are leaders in creating a culture where everyone can thrive, leading to more representative, innovative and successful organisations."

Sarah AtkinsonCEO of the Social Mobility Foundation 

Latest Social Mobility news and insights

  • breaking-down-barriers-1240x698

    Breaking Down Barriers reception

    In a powerful display of collaboration between government and business, the Purpose Coalition and Sodexo UK and Ireland hosted the Breaking Down Barriers reception.
  • 10_svc2024

    The Social Value Conference

    This year’s conference, themed ‘Social Value in Action, focused on sharing innovative ideas and best practices for driving social value across multiple sectors. 
  • Social Mobility Employer Index

    Sodexo UK & Ireland has been named in the top 75 of the 2024 Social Mobility Employer Index. Sodexo is the first in its industry to be included in the Index.