
The Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation

The Stop Hunger Foundation is a registered charity that has been operating in the UK and Ireland since 2005 to help fight food insecurity and its root causes.

Download Sodexo's Social Impact Pledge 2030

Our commitment: Sodexo’s Stop Hunger Foundation will, by 2030, have supported 12.5 million people in our local communities.

Stop Hunger Annual Report 2024

We are committed to transparency and accountability, diligently reporting against our commitments.

In our latest Stop Hunger Annual Report, we share the impact the Foundation has made with and in the local communities that need it the most.


A holistic approach to creating lasting local impact

In recent years, the Foundation has developed its activities to provide support beyond food aid, working with charities who tackle issues such as illiteracy and job skills to help create longer-term solutions to food insecurity.

By 2030, the Foundation aims to have supported more than 12.5 million direct and indirect beneficiaries* – a total of 2 million during the five-year period of the Pledge, through working with a diverse range of charity partners, supporting national and regional projects, large and small. As the Foundation’s strategy continues to evolve, we anticipate having a more transformational impact with a smaller number of beneficiaries.

* Direct beneficiaries receive the benefit of our programme first hand, indirect beneficiaries are those who benefit from the support/training given to direct beneficiaries.

Learn about the three pillars of Stop Hunger's mission:

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    Meaningful volunteering

    Our volunteering policy entitles Sodexo colleagues to dedicate three days to charitable activities, maximising their impact on local causes.
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    We connect our extensive Sodexo network with charity partners, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.
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    Stop Hunger relies on fundraising from Sodexo and its partners to address as many needs as possible in the local communities. Thanks to the support of Sodexo, 100% of the funds that are raised by Stop Hunger go to our charity partners.
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    Grants giving

    The Foundation supports charities tackling food insecurity and its root causes with project and core-cost grants. Our grants giving programme aims to address charities' critical needs, build capacity, create lasting change and empower communities.
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Join us in the fight against food insecurity

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