A man in a blue shirt operating a machine

Defence Hard Facilities Management  

Supporting the UK Defence estate's needs with infrastructure and equipment services. 

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Technical services to support Defence 

  • A hand of a person holding a wrench, ready to fix or repair something

    Maintenance services 

    We keep infrastructure and equipment in good working order, ensuring a safe and healthy environment is maintained. Our dedicated staff are trained and well-skilled in ensuring the smooth working and seamless operations of heavy-duty equipment on site, including estate planned and reactive maintenance, life cycle and project management, as well as building maintenance and refurbishments.  
  • A woman in a headscarf sitting at a desk with two monitors

    Statutory compliance 

    Compliance, monitoring tools and reporting are front and centre of our approach to responsible estate management. By ensuring compliance, we are not only meeting clients’ specific needs but also maintaining high-quality standards in our operations. 
  • A military talking to a man in a blue suit and tie

    Customer insights  

    We listen to our consumers – your people – to understand their needs and expectations, and deliver customer-shaped solutions. We embrace a data-led approach, through research and analysis, to provide actionable insights for our clients. 
  • A heart-shaped image with people inside with yellow background

    Customer experience 

    Valuable customer experience goes beyond meeting customer’s expectations. Military personnel require certain needs, from pre-arrival, arrival, living on base and departure, so we ensure that throughout these stages, staff are given a prime experience. 

  • Icon of a hand holding a smartphone displaying a QR code with red backgound

    Technology enablement

    We utilise technology in our operations to enhance the lived experience of personnel on military bases. To understand and support the customer journey, modern expectations are met on base with the use of food-ordering apps and other technologies. 

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    Social value 

    The military’s responsibilities extend to the people, communities, and families of military staff. This is why Sodexo supports the Ministry of Defence in delivering meaningful social impact, through various initiatives and processes across defence sites.  

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    Physical environment 

    Creating a space where military personnel can unwind and socialise on site is key. This is why we created Village - a modern and lively social hub that fulfils the dynamic needs of the military and generally enhance the quality of life on base.  

  • A blue background with a white outline of a game controller, fork, and knife

    Catering, retail & leisure 

    Food is undoubtedly crucial in the physical and mental development of military personnel. With a broad range of dining, convenience and retail solutions across sites, we provide a friendly and social environment for staff wellbeing. 

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    Facilities management 

    Keeping physical environments safe and smooth-running contributes significantly to the lived experience of service personnel. From cleaning and waste management to mess management and hard FM services, an efficient and seamless experience is ensured. 

Improving the wellbeing of the Whole Force 

While a career in the Armed Forces is unique and rewarding for many, their mental wellbeing is also important. Read more about the frustrations and new priorities of service personnel, and the improvements that could impact their lived experience. 

A smiling person in military uniform engaged in a conversation with a colleague

Social value in the military family 

Sodexo supports the Ministry of Defence to deliver meaningful sustainability and positive change for service personnel and the wider environment. 

A group group of cooks standing in front of a buffet table

Inclusive places for wellbeing 

We are helping individuals and businesses to overcome social and cultural challenges through skills development, social mobility and job creation. 
A monitor displaying a bar graph, representing data visually

Food waste 

Defence accounts for 50% of the UK central government’s emissions; find out how Sodexo is reducing food waste on military sites through WasteWatch.  

Get started with Sodexo